Application as a Brand Advocates Collaborations

Makinde Oluwasegun
August 22

Basic information:
My name is Makinde Oluwasegun also know as Bryan_ Conquer in the web3 community.

My preferred language is English.

Social media accounts:


Discord: Bryan_Conquer#3461

Telegram: Bryan_Conquer

Medium: Bryan_Conquer

Links to my work:

About me
I’m a strategic and creative community manager, brand ambassador and a content creator.

I have gained experience over three years through self development in digital marketing and social media management related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

I have worked as a brand ambassador for Oasis Network, Pontem Network, Waves protocol and StaFi protocol etc. My role was to engage members to participate with the community, create educational content on socials about the project, write articles and design infographics. I was able to carry out this role using my graphic design skills. I organized AMA and content moderation to questions asked on discord and telegram channels.

What I look forward to:
I found great inspiration in the potential of DeFi, as it presents remarkable possibilities for individuals to experience financial freedom, particularly in their liberation from government control.

DeFi serves to dismantle the conventional banking system by eliminating intermediaries, resulting in faster and seamless transactions. By utilizing a decentralized application such as KyberSwap, liquidity can be pooled, enabling swift token exchanges without the need for any third-party involvement.

The adoption of this innovative approach replaces the outdated traditional banking model.

Being selected as an ambassador for KyberSwap would be a tremendous privilege for me.