KyberDAO Community Delegate

Ethereum Address: 0xc8797d05380a7A65a78403ce14863D41311bC493
Telegram: @Prince_omobee
Discord: Prince_omobee
Twitter(X): @Prince_omobee

Dear KyberDAO community,

I am writing to express my interest to become a Community Delegate and contribute to the KyberDAO ecosystem.

My name is Prince Omobee and I’m a community manager, researcher, DeFi expert, and KOL. When not managing communities, I explore the DeFi space, contribute with ideas behind the scenes, and trade.

Here is my social:

I’ve been in the crypto space for 3 years managing and moderating online communities, researching, sharing my thoughts and creating buzz contents for web3 projects.

I have gone through the goals and requirements for the KyberDAO Delegate program, and I believe my knowledge and experience in DeFi makes me a great applicant to be one of the delegates.

I experience DeFi first-hand and have also contributed to several protocols including actively participating in the Metis L2 network governance process as an AMA co-host to projects joining the ecosystem, voting, offer insights behind the scene to help build ecosystem and protocols, actively participate in Stargate Finance governance, manage Cerus blockchain nodes community and advice internally etc.

I look forward to being able to participate and help shape the future of DeFi with KyberDAO as a delegate.

Best regards.


Thank you for expressing your interest, we will let you know when the selection period will begin!